Listening to Bale speak about the Hollywood machine, it's clear that he sees two sides to the industry: the acting and everything else. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Bale insisted that the latter half — the business side of the industry — detracts from his craft. "There's way too much business in this to really, truly call myself any kind of an artist," he said.
By Bale's definition, actors and movie stars are different animals. Actors take on characters, whereas movie stars play their charismatic selves, play the game, and bask in the limelight. "I'm not familiar, I'm not comfortable yet with this notion of being a movie star," Bale said.
How, after some 30 years in the industry, is Bale still uncomfortable in this role? To hear him tell it, being a movie star is just not in his DNA. "I am not in it because I like being the center of attention," he told The Talks. "In fact, I can't stand it, unless I am acting." While Bale said he respects those that thrive within the industry, he's thinks of himself as a different breed. "I really don't think I'm cut from that cloth."