"I have to get out regardless"

On August 3, 2023, a new chapter unfolded in the ongoing controversy between Felix "xQc" and Georgie "Pokelawls." For context, the streamers first made headlines on August 1, when the latter confronted the French-Canadian on his livestream. This prompted numerous netizens to wonder if there was friction in their friendship.

On August 2, xQc discussed his relationship with Pokelawls, claiming that he "kind of eroded" it because he had been spending more time with Twitch streamer JesseSMFI. He said:

"I asked Jesse more time during the swap (to Kick) so that if he could be there for me during the swap... right? So that if things get weird and things get hard, he's going to be, like, a pillar of strength for me. Okay? And, what that caused is that, one - yeah, that's cool and all. Right? But, at the same time... I kind of eroded the friendship that I had with Poke and Jesse because we're on a different schedule."

Pokelawls called out Felix in a now-deleted tweet, stating that he was annoyed at the streamer because he was "overstaying." He wrote:

"X is a r**ard, I didn't get mad at him yesterday over the Jesse s**t. This mf just has been overstaying and my mom comes soon. Dunno why this guy makes things worse for me, lmao."

xQc responded earlier today, acknowledging that he had overstayed his welcome:

"I know Poke's mom is coming and whatnot. And he doesn't... I'm not going to f**king be around and I know what it's like having parents over. Okay? It's kind of stressful and I'm not going to be a dumba*s about it. Okay? I overstayed my welcome and I have to get out regardless."

xQc addresses the community in the midst of the drama involving him and Pokelawls

The discussion began at the three-hour mark of the most recent livestream when xQc expressed his desire to end the drama. He said:

"I don't want drama. I don't even give a f**k about anything. I don't care, I knew I was going to move regardless. Okay, listen. Let me make this clear. I'm testing hate on either side, okay? I've been wanting to move in, like, increments of, like, once a week. Okay?"

The former Overwatch pro explained why he hadn't moved out of Pokelawls' residence, claiming that "some things" in his life were more challenging to deal with than he had anticipated:

"Some things in my life took longer than I thought, okay? And I kept being like, 'Yeah, maybe this. Maybe that.' And, I was just kind of, like, dibble-dabbing and I was serious about, like, moving. I was like, 'You know what, dude?' Like, 'At one point, I've got to put the plug.' You know? About a bunch of stuff."

Timestamp: 03:29:40

xQc then mentioned Pokelawls' mother visiting the house and admitted to having "overstayed" his welcome. Continuing further, he said:

"I thought some things that are completely unrelated with, would pan out, and I could have, like, a very smooth exit - I thought by this time... I could temporarily use, you know, other location. But, that kind of fell through. So, it'll be some weird moving here and there."

The 27-year-old also thanked Pokelawls for allowing him to stay at his residence:

"I'm grateful for the stay and I'm thankful that they were nice and chill."

Some fans suggested that xQc rent a house. In response, the content creator remarked:

"Yes, I can rent and I understand you guys think you know everything about everything. Okay? Chat... listen to me very carefully. Okay? I'm not saying this to look like a victim, whatsoever! But, when it comes down to living situations, like, renting, it's a little bit trickier because I'm trying to do everything at once."

Fans react to the streamer's address

xQc's address regarding Pokelawls' recent sentiments has garnered over 76 fan reactions in the YouTube comments section. Here's what netizens said:

Fans discussing the streamer's address (Image via xQc Clips/YouTube)

Some viewers speculated about what might have happened behind the scenes. Others were perplexed why xQc purchased room decorations despite knowing that his stay was only temporary.

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