Sloan Young is a graduate of interpersonal communication and girlfriend of NFL quarterback Jacoby Brissett.
Young was born and brought up in Greensboro, North Carolina. She completed her secondary school instruction at Walter Pines Page High School and got accepted into the University of North Carolina. There, she enrolled in relational correspondence, bagging a degree.
Sloan Young is deeply passionate about her Christian faith. She said in 2012 that she:

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70% Win
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How long have Sloan Young and Jacoby Brissett been dating?
Sloan Young and Jacoby Brissett have been dating for 10 years after meeting in 2013 when Jacoby transferred to North Carolina.
They have been together ever since, with Young witnessing Brissett's late college run, draft into the NFL and numerous roster moves. While Young largely stays out of the limelight, as her social media is private, Brissett doesn't have that luxury as a public figure.
Jacoby Brissett NFL career timeline
The New England Patriots drafted Jacoby Brissett as a third-round pick in the 2016 NFL Draft.
Brissett started his rookie season as the third-string QB, behind Tom Brady and Jimmy Garoppolo. He played three games that season and earned a Super Bowl ring at the end of the year when the Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 in Super Bowl LI.
Following his rookie season, Brissett was traded to the Indianapolis Colts in exchange for Phillip Dorsett. He spent four seasons with the Colts, alternating between starter and backup due to Andrew Luck's injuries. He left them at the end of the 2020 season after making 46 appearances in four seasons.
Before the 2021 NFL season, Brissett joined the Miami Dolphins on a one-year deal. He served as incumbent starter Tua Tagovailoa's backup for the year. Brissett appeared in 11 games (five as a starter) and put up a stat line of 1,283 passing yards, five passing touchdowns and four interceptions to go with a rushing touchdown.
He was on the move again ahead of the 2022 NFL season, joining the Cleveland Browns as insurance for oft-unavailable Deshaun Watson. Watson was eventually handed an 11-game suspension, opening the door for Brissett to play every offensive snap in the Brown's first 11 games. He would end the year with 2,608 passing yards, 12 TDs and six picks.
Following the 2022 season, Brissett signed a one-year $10 million deal with the Washington Commanders. He enters the 2023 season looking to be a starting-caliber quarterback.
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