5. "Cleopatra" was based on a true life story of a woman Wesley had briefly met through his wife's best friend, and is the first song the band has written from a female perspective.
"It's told from the perspective of a female, and I don't think we've really done that in a song. Its this person that I [Wesley] met through my wife's best friend. She's the first female taxi driver in the Republic of Georgia. The story that got me going to be even interested in writing about from that perspective, [is] I had heard that she was in love when she was younger, this is all in the song if you just take a look at the lyrics, its pretty spelled out. But she was young, and her father had passed away, and so shes mourning the death of her father. Shes 16, and her boyfriend asked her to marry him. And shes so numb from the loss of her father that she doesn't say anything back when he proposes. It was raining that day, and he had tracked in this mud on her carpet. And so, he leaves, she never sees him again because he leaves town heartbroken, and she doesn't clean the footprints off of the floor ever. That's her last piece of him. So it's an interesting start to the story, and then hearing all about her life, a lot of it is referring to her. Shes a badass, shes a hard-living, tough person I met very briefly, but super interesting lady."