What Happened To The Bodies At Pearl Harbor?

The USS Nevada, Helena, Curtiss, Chew, Dobbin, Enterprise, Maryland, Pruitt, Sicard, Tracy, Vestal, Downes, and Tennessee were among the other ships that sustained casualties amongst their crews in the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor, with 535 servicemen killed in all. The Nevada, weighing 27,500 tons, was the only ship at Pearl able to get underway after the attacks began; because of this, she was subject to furious attacks. She beached after losing 50 officers and men, according to the Naval History and Heritage Command, but later was able to be salvaged. She went on to take part in the invasion of Normandy, among other notable battles. Sadly, she was used as part of the atomic bomb tests at Bikini Atoll and was so radioactive she had to be sunk, the Naval History and Heritage Command notes.

The crew of the USS Helena had the distinction of shooting down no less than six Japanese dive bombers after the attack began, amidst her fierce counterattack that saw the Helena unleash an incredible 375 shells, as related by Kermit Bonner in his book "Final Voyages," despite the loss of 33 men.
